Yes, constitution say you can overthrow the government in India, because in democratic country, citizen elect their representative through voting to govern the country and if citizens are not satisfied with the work government, so citizens can elect another representative in next general election.
What do you meant by overthrow the government?
It is matter all about the social, political and economic development of country for its citizens, because citizens elect their representative to hold the power. It’s a fundamental duty and responsibility of democratic government to develop the nation and if it does not happen so citizens have right to elect their representative in next general election or overthrow the government.
Can president overthrow the government of India?
No, president cannot overthrow the government of India, but Indian constitution has the provision for overthrow the government by the president. In hung parliament, if Lok Sabha members of opposition party has moved the no confidence against the ruling party, so ruling party has to prove their majority on the floor of the house by the confidence motion. If confidence motion is negatived, it results in the fall of the government.
What is motion of confidence and no confidence?
No confidence motion- In constitution article 75 says that the council of minister shall be collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha. It means that the ministry stays in office, until they enjoy the confidence of the majority of the members of the Lok Sabha.
Lok Sabha can remove the ministry from office by passing a no confidence of motion. The motion needs the support of 50 member of Lok Sabha to be admitted.
Motion of confidence- In the situation of hung parliament, when the minority or coalition government have been called by the president to prove their majority on the floor of the house by moving confidence motion, and if all members of Lok Sabha are present, so motion need 273 votes, The prime minister and council of minister can hold the office, if they confidence of Lok Sabha. If they fail to so, they have to resign.
The prime minister can also suggest president to dissolve the house before the voting either confidence or a no confidence motion.
what do mean by Dissolve of the house?
Rajya Sabha (upper house of the parliament) is a permanent house, it is not subject to dissolution. Only the Lok Sabha (lower house of the parliament) is subject to dissolution. A dissolution end the life of the existing house and a new house constituted after the next general election.
The dissolution of Lok Sabha may take place only in two ways:
- Whenever president decide to dissolve the house, which he is authorised to do, on recommendation of prime minister.
- Automatic dissolution, on the complete of its tenure of five year or the terms as extended during a national emergency.
When the Lok Sabha is dissolved, all the business including bills, motions, resolution, notices, petitions and so on. It will Reintroduced in newly constituted Lok Sabha.