What is BRICS and Is BRICS a military alliance?

What is BRICS and Is BRICS a military alliance?

We have heard, many summits, meetings and conferences are organized at globally and BRICS is one of them. In this article we’ll get to know “What is BRICS and Is BRICS a military alliance?”. What is BRICS and Is BRICS a military alliance? There are many summits, meetings and conferences of high levels officials, such as head of state or … Read more

can CBI arrest IAS officer?

CBI can arrest any government official or undertakes the investigation of corruption related cases, economic offences and cases of conventional crime. CBI is a multidisciplinary investigation agency of the government of India. It also takes up the investigation crimes like murder, kidnaping, rape etc, on reference from state government or when directed by the supreme court/high court. Is CBI need … Read more

can income tax officer raid anyone in 2024?

No, Income tax raid only can be conduct by income tax department on the incredible information and evidence of taxpayer or unclosed income and assets which is engaging in tax evasion. An income tax officer cannot raid at anyone without permission of higher authority. These raids are conducted under legal provision and require authorization. What are the rights of taxpayers … Read more

can I open account in reserve bank of India?

No, individual can open the account with the RBI (reserve bank of India) because RBI is regulating and securing the monetary stability in India and operate the currency and credit system of the country. Develop modern frame work to meet challenges of increasingly complex economy to maintain price stability with the objective of growth. RBI is the banker’s bank and … Read more

can Tamil Nadu become a separate country in 2024?

No, it is neither possible for Tamil Nadu nor for any other state of India because the Indian federation is not the result of an agreement among the states, states have no right to secede from the federation. The federation is a union because it is indestructible. Is Indian federation good for the Tamil Nadu or any other state of … Read more

can Andhra and Telangana merge again in 2024?

may be Andhra and Telangana merge again. There were discussions and debates about the possibility of merging Telangana and Andhra Pradesh to recreate the united Andhra Pradesh state. However, this is a complex and sensitive issue with supporters and opponents on both sides. Supporters of the merger argue for cultural and historical unity, while opponents may cite the need for … Read more

constitution says you can overthrow the government.

Yes, constitution say you can overthrow the government in India, because in democratic country, citizen elect their representative through voting to govern the country and if citizens are not satisfied with the work government, so citizens can elect another representative in next general election. What do you meant by overthrow the government? It is matter all about the social, political … Read more

Is constitution a statute?

No constitution is not statute, so what is constitution, Indian constitution is written document of fundamental principle for country, how all people work under the constitution like supreme court, high court, parliament, state legislative assembly, prime minister, chief minister and even all administrative of country. As a citizen of India, we get all the right to live a modern life … Read more

Is foreign policy and foreign affairs the same?

foreign policy of India

Foreign Affairs are the matter, activities and global issue which regulate by the foreign policy. Foreign affairs are the concern about activities or issue hat involve interaction, engagement and relationship between territories and outside the boundaries. Foreign policy are the strategies and decisions regarding how a country interact with other nation and solve global issue. Basic principle of Indian foreign … Read more