can Tamil Nadu become a separate country in 2024?

No, it is neither possible for Tamil Nadu nor for any other state of India because the Indian federation is not the result of an agreement among the states, states have no right to secede from the federation. The federation is a union because it is indestructible.

Is Indian federation good for the Tamil Nadu or any other state of the country?

Yes, it is good for whole country because the country is an integral whole and divided into different states only for the convenience of administration to maintain the quality of Indian diversity for Unification of India.

How Tamil Nadu is good state to live in?

There are many reasons that make Tamil Nadu a good state.

Education- Tamil Nadu is the one of the most literate state of India. According to survey of National statistical commission, Tamil Nadu has 80.09% literacy rate, which is higher than the 77.70% literacy rate of whole country.

Economy- the economy of Tamil Nadu is consistently increasing and exceeded national average growth rates. GSDP was ₹23.65 trillion (US$300 billion), second highest in India. The per capita NDSP is ₹275,583 (US$3500). Tamil Nadu is most urbanized state of India.

Health Infra-structure- the state has good health facilities and rank high in all parameter of health infrastructure such as high life expectancy of 74 years and 98.4% institutional delivery. Tamil Nadu achieved the goals related to improvement of maternal health and od reducing infant mortality and child mortality by 2009.

Industrial revolution- Tamil Nadu Industrial Development (TTDC) are governed the Industrial corporation. Electronic hardware is a major manufacturing industry with output of $5.37 billion in 2023. Automotive companies have their manufacturing base in TN.

Agriculture- it generates major employment in rural area. Agricultural contribute 12% to the GSDP, rice is the staple food grain with the state being one of the largest producers with output of 7.9 million tones in 2021-22. The Kevari delta region is known as the rice bowl of Tamil Nadu

Services- the first and largest IT park is Tidel park in Chennai. TN is the major information technology (IT) exporter of India with the value of ₹576.87 billion (US$7.2 billion) and the foreign investment attract by the government policies and contribute in growth of IT sector and growth in employment.

Human Development Index- TN has constantly growth in education, economy, infrastructure outcomes for its citizen over the time. The HDI was 0.457 in 2017-2018.

What benefit of Tamil Nadu and other state being part of India?

If Tamil Nadu or any other think about the secede from India, so first, it is not possible for any state of India. Second, this worst decision of the states.

Reason given below:

  • Political Representation: they will loss the political representation, being part of India, state have the right to part of the Indian parliament, decision making process and represent themselves for their development.
  • Economic Development: as a part of India, they have benefits of national development scheme, infrastructure development and access of National resources and funding of various project for economic development of the state.
  • Cultural diversity: India is known as for its rich cultural diversity in world and every state contribute to this diversity and showcase its unique cultural, tradition, and heritage on a national platform, that is the reason find, the country is an integral whole and divide into the state only for the convenience of administration.
  • National security: India provides a security umbrella for all the state of India, armed forces ensure the national security for entire nation which indirectly benefit to all state of India.
  • Social welfare development: the government provide a social welfare scheme for the entire nation, which cover the education, healthcare housing, poverty alleviation.
  • Infrastructure development: government also provide the national infra structure development projects such as highways, railways, ports, airports which connect the states to the whole country and the world.
  • Trade and Commerce: India is the one of the biggest markets in the world for goods and services, India facilitates trades and commerce within the country or internationally.

Every individual has the different narrative in this case, it possible we have issue or clash with different state or individuals, but it does not mean state will secede from the country. Being a part of India, every state has a platform for growth and development and participation in the larger national narrative.






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