Explain citizenship of India and citizenship act 1955


  “A legal status and relationship between an individual and a state that entails specific legal rights and duties”. Like any other modern state, India has two kinds of people – citizen and aliens. Citizens are full member of the Indian state and owe allegiance to it. They enjoy all the benefit of citizenship like civil and political rights so … Read more

Federal system of India

Federal system of India

Federal system of INDIA Political scientists have classified government Unitary and Federal system on the basic of the nature of relations between the national government and regional government. Federalism in India – Wikipedia By the definition: A unitary system of government is one in which all the powers are vested in the national government and the regional government, if all … Read more

Basic 5 facts of parliamentary system of India

parliamentary system

The constitution of India provides for a parliamentary system of government, Both at the Centre and in the state. Articles 74 and 75 deal with the parliamentary system at the Centre and articles 163 and 164 in the states. Modern democratic government are classified into parliamentary system and presidential system on the basic of nature of relation between the legislative … Read more